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May on the mend following surgery to remove her left eye

May's diagnosis

During the spring last year, May’s grooms noticed a cloudiness in her left eye. After further exams, our vets diagnosed her with immune mediated keratitis (IMMK).

IMMK is a non-ulcerative disease of the cornea. There are four types of IMMK in equines and it can be a very serious disease, leading to loss of vision in the worst cases. It usually only affects one eye, but both can be affected in some cases.

The vets initially started May on a course of eye drops that modulate the immune system to allow the eye to heal, as well as non-steroidal anti-inflammatories for pain. 

Unfortunately, her eye did not respond in the way we hoped, and she was referred to our donkey hospital at Hannigan’s Farm.

May's eye before surgery
May's grooms noticed a cloudiness in her left eye last spring.

Despite May remaining in high spirits, her condition developed from IMMK into glaucoma. The glaucoma was managed medically for several months with a combination of eye medications to help reduce pressure and inflammation in the eye, but the glaucoma continued to progress.

May’s health and happiness are our top priorities and to allow her to continue to live her life to the fullest it was decided that the best thing to do was to remove her eye.

With her best friend Vivienne beside her every step of the way, May was prepared for surgery. Thankfully, the operation was a complete success!

White and black donkey standing in a field
May with her companion Vivienne following her successful surgery.

Shortly after her operation, our behaviourist worked one-to-one with May to help her adjust to life with one eye. Thankfully, May has recovered fantastically well, and we are optimistic that she will lead a happy, fulfilled life going forward.

Thanks to your support, we can give May all the love and care she deserves to ensure she has a bright future ahead of her. Thank you!

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